Cho Jae Yeon

  • 조재연 1번 이미지
Introduction of Artist
Cho Jae Yeon addresses the anxieties and contradictions faced by contemporary individuals, depicting them whimsically and using playful elements to navigate through fairy tale-like narratives. The dinosaur figures appearing in the artworks are somewhat indistinct within thick brushstrokes. The kitschiness perceived amid the arrangement of vivid colors can be seen as the artist's way of expressing the imperfections of modern life. The yellow smile atop these dinosaurs is Jaeyeon's cheerful greeting, simultaneously conveying a message of optimism—suggesting that everything will eventually fall into place.

Taking an approach diametrically opposite to the given situation, Cho Jae Yeon, through a lighthearted lens, comprehends the world's problems. After completing a Master's degree at Hongik University in 2021, she participated in the Suripul Art Gallery, the Korean Women Artists' Painting Contest, the Paris Art Fair, and the 2023 ASAF.

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