• 미미 1번 이미지
Introduction of Artist
MeME offers a hopeful worldview centered on the independent life and happiness of contemporary individuals by bridging cartoon elements from popular art with a diverse array of visual arts techniques, including mixed media, flat surfaces, and stereoscopic presentations. The materials used in all of the artist's works symbolize human subjectivity, transforming artificially created environments to overcome biological limitations and craft a necessary world for themselves.

The character of Object Pigme embodies the frailty of the artist and modern individuals within the confines of contemporary society. Born as a pig lacking self-esteem, Object Pigme, always aware of its surroundings, sports elongated ears akin to a rabbit and a timid, small mouth. Heart goggles symbolize a beacon illuminating a paradise of happiness for Pigme, flying with fervent energy, dreaming of joy. Through Pigme's journey to rediscover lost self-esteem, the character returns to a state of pure innocence devoid of self-consciousness, constructing a surreal utopia for all modern adults in pursuit of their dreams.

MeME earned a master's degree from Ewha Womans University's College of Design following a bachelor's degree in comic arts from Sangmyung University. The artist commenced their exhibition journey with a solo showcase at the Hangaram Art Museum Design Art Fair held at the Seoul Arts Center in 2019, followed by numerous solo and group exhibitions. The artist gained public recognition by winning the fourth round of KBS No Mano Art and has received multiple awards, including the International Contemporary Art Exhibition statue and the Western Painting Special Award at the Italian Art Festival. MeME's works are currently featured in collections at Samsung Electronics, Gomyeong Restaurant High School, and SK D&D.

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